Thursday, 14 June 2012


Facebook Headquarters on one side of the Grose Valley, NSW, Coca Cola Headquarters on the other, these headquarters are connected by a reserved concrete bridge, which exclusively transports VIP's down to the valley floor for an intimate and special meeting.

Bridge with headquarters concealed yet 'owns' space in the valley.

Coca Cola Headquarters with it's strong, recognisable logo visually outstanding from various views and as shadows.

Facebook headquarters elegantly and comfortably possessing it's surrounding natural space to it's advantage and prosper. 

Meeting spot of natural rock distinctively emerged from valley floor overseen by the extensive bridge.

VIP at the exclusive natural rock meeting spot, ready to indulge with nature in complete comfort, aided by the support of nature and the bridge.

Download Crysis levels on


Facebook (Transparent) Elevator:
Go: 'o'
Send elevator back to orignal position: 'p'

Coke (Lid) Elevator:
Go: 'k'
Send elevator back to orignal position: 'l'
* Due to the thin material of the Coke Elevator, you may be required to focus your man to stay on the elevator. This may be done by maintaing the camera on the man, or occasionaly stepping forward.

Google Sketchup models:

Bridge - "Bridge (concrete) EXP3" by dylstabondi

Headquaters with elevators - "Bridge EXP3: Facebook and Coca Cola Headquaters with VIP elevators" by dylstabondi

Texture Applications

Textures applied:

Rhythm 1: A rhythmic tiled textured along the outskirts of the bridge to aid in the rhythmic movement of the levitating elevators as well as provide security along the concrete bridge. 

Rhythm 2: The texture installs a sense of creativity and comfort thus power to the Facebook VIP during his elevator journey to a meeting or back to the headquaters.

Mellow:  This texture integrated onto a small and light weight elevator provides tranquility hence power for the Coca Cola VIP during a mellow ride.

Wednesday, 6 June 2012

Elevator Perspectives

CocaCola Elevator: Elevator levitates on it's leg to the descending point. A wide perspective of the valley is shown.

Facebook Elevator: VIP looking through the transparent elevator back at the Head Quarters and rocks they came out of .

CocaCola Elevator descending onto the 'Rock Meeting Spot' with a closer yet still extensive view of trees and rock.

Saturday, 2 June 2012

'H' Two Point Perspectives

'H' Two Point Perspectives

Near middle with distance

Rotating shift


Under with depth

Centred under

Below you

Far back

Hovering above 

Behind in nature

Sunday, 20 May 2012

Grose Valley, NSW

Grose Valley

Inspired by the rugged Grose Valley in the Blue Mountains, NSW, I constructed a 3D landscape of a valley using CryEngine 3.

Grose Valley, before bushfire.

After bushfire. The valley has been affected by bushfires at various times, notably in 1982 and in November 2006.

(CryEngine) Valley 3D model: The dirt floor in the distance is flooded with trees, as the foreground of the image shows, as do plants grow out and on top of the high mountains, (not visible from the 3D camera angle).

"Power" Article MashUp

"POWER" Article MashUp

Coca-Cola: The Power Of A Brand   by Bob Zurn

'Facebook's Power should worry us all'   by Julian Lee

Take-Two Interactive Has a Sweet Quarter   by Ron Keith, published May 26 2011.

There are few images as recognizable throughout the world as the 'Coca-Cola' brand, 'Facebook,' and 'Take Two Interactive Inc.' The Images have travelled to the furthest reaches of the globe, transcending national borders and cultural barriers to reach almost everyone on earth. Travel the globe and you will probably encounter 'Coca-Cola' on a clock or a sign, if not on the drink itself. Facebook — with its ambition to be the "identity platform" — are extending to every corner of the internet. Take Two Interactive continues to prove its products and its business thrive in spite of a bleak employment outlook and a downward trend in household income. If Facebook was a government agency, its power would be as undisputed as it would be frightening. For a single organisation to know as much as it does about the habits, interests and behaviour of 10 million Australians is unsettling.   Take- Two Interactive's Net revenue for 2011 was $1.14 billion, up 49% from the previous year. Take -Two enters the next fiscal year from a position of power. Marketers today look to the Coca-Cola brand as a model of marketing power. By 1960 the number of countries with Coke bottling plants had doubled. Facebook's power continues to grow, and the hyperbolic pace at which technology moves is no match for the law, a concern for people waiting for the government  to step in. Today Coke remains a powerful brand. An icon in brand marketing and American history. The success of the Coca-Cola brand has made it the dominance of American entrepreneurialism in the twentieth century and beyond.

'H' One Point Perspectives



Fully front on

Birds eye view

Looking on from a safe distance

 Close up to whole


Wide angle

Eye level

Close up in front

Extensive long view

Side on


Sunday, 6 May 2012

EXP2: Prospect and Refuge Monuments in Landscape


Based on Alexandre Gustave Eiffel's 'Eiffel Tower' with the concept of 'Prospect,' as well as Peter Zumthor's 'Therme Vals' with the concept of 'Refuge,' 2 monuments were created within a landscape of mountains, rocks, and beaches, with natural pathways and a meeting spot between monuments.

Electroliquid Aggregation:
"A condition of being safe or sheltered (with) an extensive view of landscape."

Landscape: Prospect monument to the left provides extensive view for occupants as well as shelter and safety through a solid structural and comforting build through varied walls and faces. The Refuge monument provides safety and shelter with an enclosed design, additional to large trees and rock next to it. It provides an extensive view of the landscape at cliff edge. 

Entering the 'Monument trail': After exiting out of a vehicle to walk the path towards the monument's space, the journey of the occupant is partly laid in front of their eyes. Seeing only part of the Prospect monument at a high point conveys it contains an extensive prospect, yet illustrates refuge with seclusion when seen from far away. A person would assume similar qualities about the Refuge monument with a mystery.

Cave entrance: There is a hidden entrance via a cave to enter the hidden monument Refuge, enhancing ultimate safety and shelter, with a juxtaposed light and extensive view of the landscape at the other side of the cave. 

Meeting point: A neutral meeting point half way provides extensive views to both monuments and the landscape, whilst providing shelter and comfort through natural, flat platform grounds, small surrounding hills and shading trees.

Pathway amongst monuments: While walking along the pathway from monument to monument, there is always a prospect of the destination (monument) which looks to contain an extensive prospect of the landscape, and a comforting, sheltering and secluded quality, drawing the student towards the monument with eager.

To view Cry Engine 3 landscape: 

(or if doesn't work)

To view Google sketch up models, type into Google Warehouse:

Prospect (Eiffl) and Refuge (Zumthor) "

Light to Dark Textures


Chosen textures: 


Applied: In entrance lobby of the Prospect monument. The light texture enhances the buoyant feeling for the occupant whilst at this high altitude. The lines directed upwards and fading lighter towards the top introduces the feeling and experience the occupant is about to undertake while climbing to the top of the monument. 


Applied: The surrounding walls and all faces of the steps within the top set of stairs before entering the top, main lookout level. Unlike the other 4 sets of stairs, the highest one is closed up, creating suspense through only providing a small lookout view at the final exit.
An intricate texture is applied to take anitcipated thoughts of prospect off the occupant's mind, to later surprise them with the quality view. The texture is highly relevant with aspects of symmetry, nature, and refuge, comforting the occupant.


Applied: Each of the faces of the top rectangular prism of the Refuge monument, the highest point on the monument.
This texture influenced by nature, camouflages the monument amongst trees, rocks, and shadows, providing refuge for the monument. However, this texture allows the monument to slightly stand out and be noticed, especially when looked down upon from the Prospect monument.

Saturday, 5 May 2012

Electroliquid Aggregation

Electroliquid Aggregation:

"A condition of being safe or sheltered (with) an extensive view of landscape."

Monuments connected by a neutral 'pit' Meeting Place halfway up the hill. The pit is protected and sheltered by low angled walls, still providing an extensive view of the monuments and the landscape. 

1. Entrance from (dirt) road into hills
2. Path way to monument 1: 'Refuge'
3. Interconnection between monuments through hills
4. Meeting spot between the two monuments, with a view to both 'Prospect' and 'Refuge' monuments. Hill to the right of '4' provides a higher view to both monuments and contains a natural platform under trees for students to sit, talk and view. 
5. Short trek up a pathway up a hill to 'Prospect.' The monument is out of vision while trekking up the hill, creating suspense and a surprise upon arrival. 

(4) - Person at 'natural platform' at meeting place, looking up towards the mighty 'Prospect' monument. To his left he would be able to see the Refuge monument with a slight ariel view though still mainly hidden by trees and rock.